Harvest Fest Vendor

$ 100.00


Harvest Fest Vendor - Cost: $100
Oct. 25-27, 2024
Harvest Fest is an indoor/outdoor event. Weather conditions can be unpredictable; please prepare and plan for all weather conditions.
Vendors must provide their own tables and tents.
Vendor spots are generally 10x10 and do not include electricity; if your requirements differ, please contact kait@kbski.com
Bring all necessary materials to operate your vendor booth independently.
KB is a family-friendly business. Please ensure your offerings are appropriate for this setting an be mindful as to how you conduct your business.
Pets are not permitted.
Vendor displays and/or offerings are to not be associated with any political party. If it is, you will be asked to remove political propaganda and not be issued a refund.
The reservation fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and is required upon booking your vendor space. Non-refundable is defined in this contract if the vendor cancels at any time for any reason whatsoever.

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